20 Dec 2021
RM 65,800 - RM98,700
Monochrome Arcade
658 sqft

Property Details

Property Type
Property Status
Property Size
658 sqft
Estimated Budget
RM 65,800 - RM98,700
Estimated Renovation Period
Company / Designer
DCS Creatives

An excerpt from the collaboration

The rat race obliges modern society to already have a definitive sense of self and a clear vision of our respective future when we reach certain ages, which in popular culture, we would have everything figured out as we turn 25 years of age and should have settled down at 30 years of age — barely at one-third of our lives given that we lived to 90 years old. Also in popular culture, we are expected to finish high school, attend tertiary educational courses, and ultimately enter the workforce at about 21 years of age (on average); how do we define ourselves, whether our likes or dislikes, with merely four years of exposure to the great big world? Fair-mindedly, drawing up a plan is part of the process of self-discovery and self-development, but should it have gone astray despite doing our best, we should regard it as being given a second chance to figure out what could be better for us in lieu of deeming ourselves a failure.

Enlightened by the reckoning, the team proposed a canvas-esque design dominated by the monochrome colour palette contrasted with idiosyncratic elements including neon lights, comic drawings, and graffiti art — nothing in this house is conventional. The living room exudes a rather tech-advanced or futuristic sophistication with the utilisation of white colour, as depicted in most movies featuring utopian societies such as the spaceship in Star Wars. As a tribute to the Star Wars movie, neon lights in the shapes of Stormtrooper and Darth Vader are installed above the television. The futuristic element is further extended into the fixture and fittings of other common areas encompassing the dining area and kitchen, however the space between living room and dining area highlights a diverged facet inspired by comics; the walkway gives prominence to a display cabinet (filled with a collection action figures) coupled with a cargo container sliding door as well as a statement ceiling feature of comic drawings. The aforementioned common spaces also employed the use of hidden door design to provide a seamless view at a glance, giving the whole house a slick facade. The recharge area (normally known as the master bedroom) echoes the same abstract as the statement walkway, cladded in action figures and comic drawings, and not forgetting, the colour of white. Perhaps, the pinnacle of this design is the gaming room; it features not only the anticipated gaming computer, but also a skateboarding ramp installation and graffiti art on the wall. The final highlight — the bathroom, also emanates atypicality with a solid black toilet bowl as well as a comical pun on the floor of the shower area.

The design accentuates its ingenuity of being a canvas-esque space yet with an adjunct of individualised recreations such as the collection of action figures and comic drawings — in abstract, to allow filling in of the canvas with new colours while to always stay true to ourselves while we embark on our future pursuits and endeavours, because you can only figure out what is best for you when you are being yourself.

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